Individual Approaches
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Montgomery County Critical Incident Stress Management Team



Montgomery Hospital Medical Center Stress Mitigation

Individual Approaches for Stress Prevention and Management


bulletTask priority levels set with a realistic work plan
bulletExisting workload delegated so workers not attempting disaster response and usual job


bulletPhysical exercise and muscle stretching when possible
bulletNutritional eating, avoiding excessive junk food, caffeine, alcohol, or tobacco
bulletAdequate sleep and rest, especially on longer assignments
bulletContact and connection maintained with primary social supports


bulletReducing physical tension by taking deep breaths, calming self through meditation, walking mindfully
bulletUsing time off for exercise, reading, listening to music, taking a bath, talking to family, getting a special meal-to recharge batteries
bulletTalking about emotions and reactions with coworkers during appropriate times


bulletEarly warning signs for stress reactions recognized and heeded
bulletAcceptance that one may not be able to self-assess problematic stress reactions
bulletOver identification with survivors'/victims' grief and trauma may result in avoiding discussing painful material
bulletUnderstanding differences between professional helping relationships and friendships
bulletExamination of personal prejudices and cultural stereotypes
bulletVicarious traumatization or compassion fatigue may develop
bulletRecognition of when own disaster experience or losses interfere with effectiveness



Adapted from:  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Tips for Managing and Preventing Stress:  A Guide for Emergency and Disaster Response Workers.  Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Rockville , MD, 2005.


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